• KMT2C is a Potential Biomarker of Anti-PD-1 Treatment Response in Metastatic Melanoma. PMID: 35345335

  • Comprehensive Analysis of Chromatin Accessibility and Transcriptional Landscape Identified BRCA1 Repression as a Potential Pathological Factor for Keloid. PMID: 36015648


  • Identifying the biomarkers and pathways associated with hepatocellular carcinoma based on an integrated analysis approach. PMID: 34033190


  • Screening novel drug candidates for Alzheimer’s disease by an integrated network and transcriptome analysis. PMID: 32516365

  • Analysis of the Deleterious Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated With Antidepressant Efficacy in Major Depressive Disorder. PMID: 32256400

  • Integrative analysis of DNA methylation and gene expression profiles identified potential breast cancer-specific diagnostic markers. PMID: 32412047


  • Functional divergence analysis of vertebrate neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits. PMID: 30044167